Saturday, June 11, 2011

Help! Should I add more services to my business?

All business owners today are facing the same obstacles. From everything to continuous governmental regulation to our industries, to trying to get people to call or come through the front door, it has become a constant battle to stay ahead of it all. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in everything, that in an attempt to shelter ourselves, we can strangely end up in a state of complacency just to survive. But the realty is that if we don't keep focusing on the important things in our businesses that keep us operating at a profit, we can finally be overcome by the realty of the danger complacency brings. So what is the most important reason we task and toil to be in business for ourselves? Most would plainly say, money! When you think about it, that is the end result we need no matter what our other motivations might be. Without it, our businesses would not survive. So being that generating profits is so important, of equal importance is, how do we keep making more of them? I can tell you from experience that adding other relevant products or services to your current repertoire is one excellent way to accomplish that. Here are some reasons why.

1. More chances of making sales.
Sam Walton, one of the most financially successful businessmen the world has ever known, had the philosophy that if you provided everything a customer needed all in one place, they wouldn't go looking somewhere else. What a simple but powerful concept! For instance, if you are an insurance agency primarily selling auto and homeowners, why would you let your clients buy their commercial, workers comp, life, health etc. from someone else? Not only will you not make the money you could have, but you also run the risk of the competition wooing your clients over to them, if they also sell the other insurance products or services that you sell! Why would any business owner want to expose themselves to that situation?

2. Make more money with little or no added expense.
Think about it for a minute. You already have the brick & mortar and or the website.You already have the existing clientele (unless your just starting out).You already are spending money on existing advertisement. How hard or expensive could it be to add those other relevant products or services your customers need? It's simple, just..

Remind your new and existing clients everytime you do business with them that you now offer  new products or services. Post notices on your website and in your office. Place them on your business cards and other marketing and advertising space. Have employees call your existing clients to let them know. Every time you talk to a client or potential client, briefly tell them about the new service or services you now offer, and keep reminding them. Tell your vendors and other business associates. The list is endless. Eventually they may need these other products or services, and when they do they will now think of you!

3. Be more valuable to your clients than the other guys!
Every time you are of service to your clients, they say "thank you". Now some may feel that customers just say it out of habit, I mean, after all they did pay you for the service which should be thanks enough right? Well believe me when I tell you that they are saying "thank you" because you have given them something that they wanted and felt they needed and this has made them satisfied and thus appreciative. Every time we as business owners make our clients feel that way, they subconciously will get that happy satisfied feeling alsmost every time they think about you and your business. That is one of the keys to success! The more you can satisfy a customer, the more likely they will continue doing business with you, and tell others about you. It's that simple!

We have briefly touched on a few of the many reasons a business owner should consider adding new services for their clients. It just makes good sense, and good sense makes good business.

Christopher John
C.J.F. & Associates

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