Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Buy My House! The Smart Seller's Guide Hot!

By: Mark Metlock

Are you having trouble selling your home? If your house has been sitting on the market for longer than you'd hoped, you may feel like running through the streets begging "Buy my house!" Don't get frustrated yet however. There are so many inspection points for a home to pass these days, there might very well be a simple solution that could turn your luck around. Make sure you are taking every measure possible to ensure your house is marketable and appealing before giving in to despair.

Tidy, Tidy, Tidy!

If you're leading people through a cluttered home, you're shooting yourself in the foot. Junky knick-knacks, loose odds and ends and kitschy keepsakes do not exactly scream "buy my house". Instead they reinforce the idea that your home is small, claustrophobic and outdated. In order for people to visualize their decorating potential, you need to keep your own overwhelming decor in check. Go minimal. Pack up offensive clutter so that people can really focus on the structure and style of your home.

Time for a Facelift

Ask yourself, What would make me want to buy my house? Develop a checklist of desirable features in a new home. This will help you to know what you're looking for when you move, and also remind you that prospective buyers are just like you. They are looking for a comfortable and attractive home. The most cost-effective but drastic change you can make to any room is a new paint job. Pick a bold color to liven up a boring bathroom, or brighten up the walls of your basement if it doesn't get enough natural light. Even if you don't want to try a new color, a fresh coat will get rid of scuffs and stains that make your house look dull.

Lighting fixtures and faucets are also important. If these are dated, cracked, stained or unattractive, invest in new ones. They can do a lot to improve a room. Replace your light bulbs if necessary, and keep your bathrooms and kitchen as up to date as possible. Home buyers typically steer clear of anything retro or tacky.

Finally, do not neglect the exterior of your house. From the moment prospective buyers drive up, they are forming their first impressions of your property. Keep your lawn mowed, your gardens well tended and your light fixtures in tip top shape. A weather beaten garage door and weedy yard are immediate turn-offs. Put in the effort to make your home as desirable as it can be. Do not neglect it simply because you are finished with it. Remember that it is going to be somebody's new home. You want it to communicate to prospective buyers that it is welcoming and worthwhile. With these simple steps you can confidently tell buyers, "After you've taken a look, you will definitely want to buy my house!"

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Author Resource:->  Read more about sell house selling house. Looking forward to seeing you at ebuymyhome.

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