By Christopher John
Ah, the age old question since the inception of Twitter seems to be, "Who should I be following on Twitter?"
The answer to that question seems to be a bit complex as well as controversial, depending on who you talk to about it. The logical answer to that question is that it all depends on what your intentions are, and why you use Twitter. Twitter says they facilitate social networking, but they are not a social network. They are more of an informational site. Whether you are just gathering information, socializing, or trying to promote your business, band, etc. (or all of the above), here are some things to keep in mind when following on Twitter, that will hopefully be helpful to you, and if they are, please pass this article on!
1. When choosing someone to follow, if you use Twitter to mainly gather information, use the search area to find what you are looking for. You can choose a title like Real estate agent, or Dog groomers, or you can choose a phrase like; "I need help with my plumbing" or, you can ask a question like, I need a job, what should I do first? The choices are almost endless so you can get pretty creative.
2. When looking to socialize, you can browse and find people that look interesting to you and follow them and send them a message.
3. If you are looking to promote you, your business, band etc. than find people to follow who are in your same field of interest, who will likely be interested in what you have to offer, and that will likely follow you back. There are some things to keep in mind when trying to accomplish this:
A. Make sure before you follow them you check their stats to make sure they have a tendency to follow back. (You will find stats under their profile) If they have 1,000 followers and only follow 200 back, chances are unless you meet a certain criteria they won't follow you.
B. Follow other Tweeters who say they follow back, like "team follow back" etc.
C. Look for Tweeters who say they will Retweet your Tweets if you Retweet theirs. Retweeting your Tweet will send your Tweet into their followers Tweet streams, and can get you more followers and even make you go viral!
D. Always follow back if you feel comfortable with that Tweeter. Mention and Shout Out to them your appreciation and any other perks you can fit into 140 characters.
Also keep in mind that their are limits to how many people you can follow per day, and once you hit 2,000 in total, depending on how many followers you have, you may not be able to continue following others. If this happens, you can un- follow Tweeters who have not followed you back, thus allowing you to follow more. Just be careful how many Tweeters you follow and un-follow per day or you could get into trouble with Twitter. Aggressive follow and unfollow tactics can get your Twitter account suspended which would defeat the whole purpose! Look for acceptable and unacceptable follow/un-follow tactics in the Twitter help menu for more information. Please note: I consider this section somewhat on the vague side, but it is helpful. You can also search the Internet for more clear facts. Just keep in mind that they are not representative's of Twitter and so what they say may or may not be right!
Christopher John is the owner of C.J.F. & Associates. If you need to cash out of a Privately held Real estate note, Structured settlement, Annuity, or Structured Lottery payments, we can get you the cash you need! Call 1-800-908-9312 for more information.
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