Thursday, July 7, 2011

Your House Needs Staging For Success

By Christopher John

We all know the many benefits of getting a house ready to sell. House staging is a process that can make a huge difference in how quickly a house sells, as well as how much it sells for. Some folks just slap a for sale sign on the front lawn and hope that the right buyer will "stumble" in and buy for full price. Don't be fooled into this lackadaisical mistake!

Selling a home takes careful thought and planning and every effort must be made to make sure that no stone is unturned. The more effort put into even little things, the more likely you will sell fast and at a price everyone is happy with. Remember, staging your house for sale can make or break how happy you are with the whole sales experience.

1. When a potential buyer drives up in front of your house, its like going out on a blind date. The door opens and now your face to face for the first time, only with selling your house, they get to have a look at you before you do them, right out on the curb! Make sure the first impression they get is a knock out! The driveway should be neat and clean, (even the sidewalk if you have one), the lawn should be trimmed and as green as possible. Your house numbers on the curb and on the house itself should be easy to read. Even the front door should look great. Remember if you were going out on a blind date, would you be careful about every aspect of your appearance, or just your clothes and leave your hair a mess.

2. The inside of your home should be well lit with plenty of access throughout. The entry way is the first impression so make sure it is very inviting by being clean and clear of any clutter. Lighting should make a well lit appearance so as to have a bright cheery feel. All rooms need to be free of clutter and clean right down to the carpets. Bathrooms should literally sparkle. Remember in their minds they are not only looking for what they like, they are also on the hunt for what they don't like, including money they will have to spend to replace things should they decide to buy.

3. Detach yourself from the home. You are moving which means that if things go as planned, it will no longer be your home and will then be a house you lived in at one time. The main objective now is to give the house a feel that is inviting for someone else to make it a home. You want them to imagine how it will look with their own individual tastes and too much of your own can hinder that. This may not be easy but it can make a real difference! Pack away all personal type pictures and photographs. Clear away "brick a brack" to give the house a clean wide open feeling. You may even have to store some of it at a storage facility, or of course, you can have a garage sale. Don't store it in the garage! It is important that the garage is as clear and clean as possible. Think of when you have looked at model homes, how they are amply furnished but at a minimum. Don't forget the backyard. Make sure it is as appealing to the prospective buyer as the front.


Clean and clear.
Well lit.
Less like a home and more like a house.
Guest book.
No music playing.(they may not like your choice of opera)

In closing, remember to always be hospitable with potential buyers. Be happy and show them that this can be a home where they too can build happy memories. Give them a "Come on in" feeling that makes them feel that if you just add them, this house can become a home.

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