Friday, July 15, 2011

Keep Your Taste Buds Poppin, Not your Buttons.

By Christopher John

One of the most difficult problems people have when trying to lose weight or keep it off, is finding recipes that will keep their taste buds happy, while staying within the boundaries of what ever the method it is they are using to win the weight wars. Let's take a look at some recipe gathering/creating suggestions.

There are virtually thousands upon thousands of websites & blogs, that have recipes for pretty much every type of dish and eating style you can think of. That being said, what's the best way to seek them out in an organized and successful manner?

1st. Make a list of all the types of foods that you like to eat. This should include the ones that are in harmony with your selected weight loss method of eating, as well as those that are not.

2nd. Separate them into categories such as main dish, side dish, appetizers, salads, and of course, deserts.

3rd. Now start to seek out recipes online for your selected healthy eating method. Just google them and be straight forward about it. If you are for instance looking for a low fat way to cook fried chicken, simply google low fat fried chicken recipes. You may be surprised at the more than a few recipes you will find. Now start looking at the ones that seem the most appealing to you and start printing them out.

Make sure to keep an eye on the different ingredients for each of the dishes and watch for suggestions they sometimes will make for substitutions. Also, don't be afraid to substitute ingredients of your own accord and liking. Sometimes you can add something or substitute something to someone else's recipe and end up with a dish you will love for the rest of your life.

Be imaginative and creative!

For instance, take a dish that is normally synonymous with say "High carb" eating, and make it low carb. You could use provolone cheese instead of  high carb tortillas and make mini tacos! Take a couple of low carb pancakes and use them as hamburger buns and make cheeseburgers. Use sucralose with regular relish and mayonnaise and make a low carb tartar sauce. Your only limits are your imagination!

Remember,to lose weight and keep it off, you must find or develop fat losing and weight maintaining recipes you can enjoy for the rest of your life. Otherwise you'll find yourself eating the wrong kinds of foods again. And that can lead to gaining the weight back and more besides!

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