Friday, July 8, 2011

Networking For Profit. Free ecourse! Part 1. Advertising Methods.

By Christopher John

Right now just about every business owner on the planet would agree, that an effective method of getting new customers in your door, is something that we are all constantly on the hunt for. There are literally dozens of ways to accomplish this. So for the first part of this e - Course, we are going to examine briefly some different methods that are commonly used for bringing in new customers. Some of these advertising methods that we will discuss may very well be methods you are currently using. If they are, and you would like to expand on them, please add comments accordingly as we would love to hear your input!

1. Yellow page (phone book) advertising: Many businesses have seen a decline in the effectiveness of this method of advertising. Most agree that online and electronic methods have taken a good size bite out of this traditional advertising medium. Many still use it, but it's declining effectiveness, along with it's high price, are quickly making savvy business owners run for cover and reduce or bow out all together.

2. Television: Unless you are an extremely large company, you likely have never even considered this type of advertising. While localized cable T.V. in some areas has made it more affordable than many think, T.V. commercials are really designed for branding and getting your business more commonly know. Unless you do some type of successful infomercial, or are in it for the long haul, it may likely not pay off for you.

3. Radio. Again this type of advertising is not as expensive as many think, but you better be prepared to stay with it or it will not likely pay off, and oh, keep your checkbook handy.

4. Periodicals. One a week periodicals such as the penny saver have been popular for some time. Classified ads are very affordable, but have mixed results. Larger display ads are popular with different types of businesses and its common to see the same ones advertising every week. These display ads are far more expensive than the classified sections though, so you better be prepared to spend some money. Like radio and T.V. advertising, you best be prepared to be in it for the long haul if you want to see profitable results.

5. Fax marketing. There is so much regulation and confusion in regards to this method of advertising, that without a consultation with an attorney, you could find yourself fined several thousands of dollars using this method. Not to mention, many businesses are absolutely passionate about their hatred of this type of intrusive advertising. There are even attorneys and other entities you can send copies of your of junk faxes to, who for part of the compensation you can receive from suing fax broadcasters, will take care of everything! Enough said.

6. Telemarketing. This cold calling method is like fax broadcasting, it is heavily regulated and could land you in trouble. Many businesses don't like people calling them on the phone, and even if you can get past the gatekeepers they have in place, it takes a lot of time and effort to make it pay off. For business to business concepts however, it can be worth doing for more passive type campaigns.

5. Online advertising. Whew! Now this can take a long time to cover! There are SEO concerns, (paid for and organic), social networking, blogging, forums, email marketing, websites, different types of spamming,(not ever recommended) and more! Internet marketing is a constantly evolving technology of advertising and like it or not, it is the current trend for all types of businesses. At some time now or in the near future, if you want to keep up with the competition, you will have to have an online presence, at very least to maintain some type of credibility.

We have discussed several advertising methods, and there are others we didn't discuss, and although all of the methods mentioned above have success stories attached to them, they all have at least two things in common.

1. They can all cost you a substantial amount of money before you find out if they will even pay off, and
2, the main reason why is they all require that you invest time and money in using them.

Many of the advertising methods above can certainly be considered valid methods for you and your business, and are still being used heavily by businesses all over the country. In fact, they are the life's blood of many. That being said, it is not my intention to to disqualify any of them as a means of bringing your business to profitability. In fact, I have mentioned them for a reason. As we continue on with this e-Course, we will use them as a comparison gauge to networking, so you can see for yourself the distinct differences and advantages to this highly neglected and advantageous way of bringing in new business. I hope you are excited about the possibilities networking can bring!

End part 1.

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