By Christopher John
Effective networking works, plain and simple. I know there are many people out there doing business that use different methods and ideas, and they think what they are doing is eventually going to be effective. The bottom line is that you know you are networking effectively, when it works! If whatever you are doing isn't working, it's not effective networking!
I have just about 2,500 Twitter followers right now, and I have not made a dime from my Twitter network. Right now you could say that my equation is 2,500 X 0 = 0.
How about if I get 25,000 X 0 = 0.
How about 250,000 X 0, it still equals zero!
So if you are thinking once you build up enough followers on Twitter it will make the difference, well, only time will tell, but clearly what I am doing on Twitter is not working!
Sometimes to make something work you just have to rethink and re adjust, and do something to turn it around.
Let's take it in a series of steps, one step at a time. We are going to pick it apart, analyze it, work out the bugs, and put it back together in a better way than any business has ever done before. We are going to put a network plan together that is so simple and so effective that everyone is going to look at it and say, "Ah ha! That's what I should be doing!" So let's get started, we've got a lot of work to do!
1. What is effective business networking?
The most effective networking I have ever seen in my opinion is the "Pal System." This type of networking is where businesses help each other in the following ways.
a. They help each other generate new business.
b. They contribute to the quality of each others services and or products.
c. They communicate with each other in an effective and organized manner.
d. They build a relationship of trust based on a similar code of ethics when doing business.
e. They actively participate in all the networking processes.
f. They must believe in the concept and believe in each other.
g. They must make sure that their entire organization is involved and dedicated to the network processes.
h.They must be willing to be equal contributors to the contribution of creativity and new ideas.
I. They must be equally and genuinely concerned and dedicated to the success of each other in every way. A selfish "what do I get out of it" attitude, is not the way of a successful network." If you can't see past your own needs, forget about effective networking!
J. They must share the same attitudes about networking.
K. They must absolutely be willing to work together!
As you can see there are several things to consider when networking effectively. It's a far cry from just setting up a Twitter account and following and being followed and tweeting all day. Or setting up a facebook fanpage and getting others to join. Or even joining networking sites like active rain and linked in are not effective without being organized and having willing participants. I have approached several active rain members about networking and have not received one reply. We must be willing to work together or networking will not work!
On my next blog we will start picking things apart.
If you would like to join me in this endeavor, send me a message on twitter saying "let's work together. I would love to put a master mind group together of at least 10 people.
If you or a client would like to sell your Privately held real estate note, Structured settlement, or Annuity, or need Mortgage Financing for both high or low credit scores, call C.J.F. & Associates at 1-800-908-9312 or go to our website at for more information.
C.J.F & Associates Blog Stew
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Hackers & Phishers Attack Twitter! Part 3
By Christopher John
For added security, always use https:
Don't give your username and password out to untrusted third - parties. In fact, I say don't give it to anyone! Also change your password from time to time and it's a good idea not to use the same password twice. Also, do not use the same password for multiple accountants. If one account gets hacked they can hack into all of them.
Twitter recommends that your computer and operating system is up to date with the most recent patches, upgrades, and anti - virus software.
Remember if you even think you have been hacked or phished, change your password.
The best way is go to Twitter help and click report a violation. Than click on My account has been compromised. Go to Revoke Connections and click on Applications tab and revoke access for any party you don't recognize. (I say revoke them whether you recognize them or not)
Next go back and go to the top of the same page and click on the trouble shooting article. Than click on the password reset form. Type in the email address you want the password reset link to be sent to and than prove you are human below. Go to the email you have selected and change your password.
I think this is the safest way to change your password although some may say it is over kill.
Remember if you are ever unsure that you are logging into Twitters website, use your web browser.
Twitter recommends you use https for improved security. To turn on https,go to your settings and check the box next to "Always use https," which is at the bottom of the page. Twitter says this will improve the security of your account and better protect your information, especially if your using Twitter over an unsecured Internet connection, like a public WiFi network.
Twitter says they will never email you, direct message you or @reply you asking for your password. If you should ever receive a request for your password in this manner, never give it to the party requesting it. In fact, report them to Twitter immediately and Tweet that someone tried to get your password this way immediately to your Twitter stream.
Twitter says they will never ask you to download something or sign on to a non - Twitter website. Never open an attachment or install any software from an email that claims to be from Twitter.
If you forget your password, you can reset it at
Remember, we have to fight this thing together and information and knowledge can be power here, but only if we share with each other and take action with what we are shared with.
If you or a client would like to sell your Privately held real estate note, Structured settlement, or Annuity, or need Mortgage Financing for both high or low credit scores, call C.J.F. & Associates at 1-800-908-9312 or go to our website at for more information.
For added security, always use https:
Don't give your username and password out to untrusted third - parties. In fact, I say don't give it to anyone! Also change your password from time to time and it's a good idea not to use the same password twice. Also, do not use the same password for multiple accountants. If one account gets hacked they can hack into all of them.
Twitter recommends that your computer and operating system is up to date with the most recent patches, upgrades, and anti - virus software.
Remember if you even think you have been hacked or phished, change your password.
The best way is go to Twitter help and click report a violation. Than click on My account has been compromised. Go to Revoke Connections and click on Applications tab and revoke access for any party you don't recognize. (I say revoke them whether you recognize them or not)
Next go back and go to the top of the same page and click on the trouble shooting article. Than click on the password reset form. Type in the email address you want the password reset link to be sent to and than prove you are human below. Go to the email you have selected and change your password.
I think this is the safest way to change your password although some may say it is over kill.
Remember if you are ever unsure that you are logging into Twitters website, use your web browser.
Twitter recommends you use https for improved security. To turn on https,go to your settings and check the box next to "Always use https," which is at the bottom of the page. Twitter says this will improve the security of your account and better protect your information, especially if your using Twitter over an unsecured Internet connection, like a public WiFi network.
Twitter says they will never email you, direct message you or @reply you asking for your password. If you should ever receive a request for your password in this manner, never give it to the party requesting it. In fact, report them to Twitter immediately and Tweet that someone tried to get your password this way immediately to your Twitter stream.
Twitter says they will never ask you to download something or sign on to a non - Twitter website. Never open an attachment or install any software from an email that claims to be from Twitter.
If you forget your password, you can reset it at
Remember, we have to fight this thing together and information and knowledge can be power here, but only if we share with each other and take action with what we are shared with.
If you or a client would like to sell your Privately held real estate note, Structured settlement, or Annuity, or need Mortgage Financing for both high or low credit scores, call C.J.F. & Associates at 1-800-908-9312 or go to our website at for more information.
Hackers & Phishers Attack Twitter! Part 2
Let's talk about some ways to help keep your account secure.
Twitter recomends that you selecy a strong password, and when I say strong I mean strong!
What I would consider a strong password that consider just good.
They of course recomend that you watch out for suspicious looking links. What is a supicious looking link?
Well, for one thing is if it's coupled with a starnge looking message, any link involved should be considered supisious. If a fellow twitterer says something that is heresay or sounds like they know about someone bashing you, don't click on the link. Message them back and ask them if they indeed sent the message.
If they say yes, ask them to give you more information about it like:
1. What was it that was said, or what was on the supposed video, or ask them to give you more information.
2. What involvement do they have with the whole situation?
3. How did they get their information and why are they involving themselves with it?
If it's spam or someone who has hacked a fellow twitterers account, your fellow twitterer will likely respond wth a double o negative, they did not send you a message. At that point let them know they have been hacked.
Another thing is to always make sure you are actually on Twitter.coms website before you type in your password. Let me tell you that when I received a strange message and clicked on the link, it appeared for all intents and purposes to look like Twitters home page. These people are good at what they do so be very careful and make sure you are really on twiiter.
According to Twitter, their URL's always have
Phishing websites can look very similar to Twitters login page. Here are some examples below.
Twitter recomends that you selecy a strong password, and when I say strong I mean strong!
What I would consider a strong password that consider just good.
They of course recomend that you watch out for suspicious looking links. What is a supicious looking link?
Well, for one thing is if it's coupled with a starnge looking message, any link involved should be considered supisious. If a fellow twitterer says something that is heresay or sounds like they know about someone bashing you, don't click on the link. Message them back and ask them if they indeed sent the message.
If they say yes, ask them to give you more information about it like:
1. What was it that was said, or what was on the supposed video, or ask them to give you more information.
2. What involvement do they have with the whole situation?
3. How did they get their information and why are they involving themselves with it?
If it's spam or someone who has hacked a fellow twitterers account, your fellow twitterer will likely respond wth a double o negative, they did not send you a message. At that point let them know they have been hacked.
Another thing is to always make sure you are actually on Twitter.coms website before you type in your password. Let me tell you that when I received a strange message and clicked on the link, it appeared for all intents and purposes to look like Twitters home page. These people are good at what they do so be very careful and make sure you are really on twiiter.
According to Twitter, their URL's always have
Phishing websites can look very similar to Twitters login page. Here are some examples below.
Hackers & Phishers Attack Twitter! Part 1
By Christopher John
Have you noticed in the last 2 or 3 weeks that hacking and phishing is on the rise on Twitter. Why do people choose to take part in these unethical and socially looked down upon behaviors/crimes? Well, believe it or not, some may do it for fun and consider it a challenge to themselves. Still others may find it a valid way to boast to fellow hackers.
Finally people in all parts of the world have long shown that when it comes to money, they will do just about anything to have it. That of course includes stealing our information on Twitter to try and improve their bottom lines.
Lately I have been victomized by at least one phishing scheme on Twitter, and I am pretty sure I know how they did it.
I was sent a message that said someone had said something really bad about me on a blog or in a video ( I can't remember which as I received both) and so I clicked on the link and it sent me back (so I thought) to my Twitter login page. I was puzzled so I foolishly logged in (even though I was still logged in from before) and I think that's how they got my password.
That's (I found out) a classic phishing scheme. They used someone Else's account to send me a message and placed their link at the bottom. It looked like a legitimate message from one of my fellow Twitterers so I clicked on it thinking I would see the video or bad message they were talking about. Instead it brought me back to what I thought was Twitter, and anxiously thinking I would be able to see the video or message I foolishly logged in. Bam! They got my user name and password.
Another way they can do it is they hack in from after market Twitter enhancing companies like Tweepi. Tweepi allows me to use their free service so unfollow "Tweeps" (as they call them) that I follow but don't follow me back. I grant them application access to my account, and although I don't give them my password they do have the ability to send tweets from my account. Now if someone hacks into Tweepi they can use my account to send Tweets. This too I believe is a way they sent messages out that looked like they came form me. A simple way to avoid that is to revoke their access right away after you use them.
There are a number of things we can all do to protect ourselves from these individuals. I am going to write a series of blogs on this subject and I hope you will tune in and read them. A "tweet" is actually a micro - blog, so really blogging is how we all communicate on Twitter. We all blog about many different things on Twitter, and I think blogging about helping each other avoid the unscrupulous activities of these individuals is important for all. What do you think?
If you or a client would like to sell your Privately held real estate note, Structured settlement, or Annuity, or need Mortgage Financing for both high or low credit scores, call C.J.F. & Associates at 1-800-908-9312 or go to our website at for more information.
Have you noticed in the last 2 or 3 weeks that hacking and phishing is on the rise on Twitter. Why do people choose to take part in these unethical and socially looked down upon behaviors/crimes? Well, believe it or not, some may do it for fun and consider it a challenge to themselves. Still others may find it a valid way to boast to fellow hackers.
Finally people in all parts of the world have long shown that when it comes to money, they will do just about anything to have it. That of course includes stealing our information on Twitter to try and improve their bottom lines.
Lately I have been victomized by at least one phishing scheme on Twitter, and I am pretty sure I know how they did it.
I was sent a message that said someone had said something really bad about me on a blog or in a video ( I can't remember which as I received both) and so I clicked on the link and it sent me back (so I thought) to my Twitter login page. I was puzzled so I foolishly logged in (even though I was still logged in from before) and I think that's how they got my password.
That's (I found out) a classic phishing scheme. They used someone Else's account to send me a message and placed their link at the bottom. It looked like a legitimate message from one of my fellow Twitterers so I clicked on it thinking I would see the video or bad message they were talking about. Instead it brought me back to what I thought was Twitter, and anxiously thinking I would be able to see the video or message I foolishly logged in. Bam! They got my user name and password.
Another way they can do it is they hack in from after market Twitter enhancing companies like Tweepi. Tweepi allows me to use their free service so unfollow "Tweeps" (as they call them) that I follow but don't follow me back. I grant them application access to my account, and although I don't give them my password they do have the ability to send tweets from my account. Now if someone hacks into Tweepi they can use my account to send Tweets. This too I believe is a way they sent messages out that looked like they came form me. A simple way to avoid that is to revoke their access right away after you use them.
There are a number of things we can all do to protect ourselves from these individuals. I am going to write a series of blogs on this subject and I hope you will tune in and read them. A "tweet" is actually a micro - blog, so really blogging is how we all communicate on Twitter. We all blog about many different things on Twitter, and I think blogging about helping each other avoid the unscrupulous activities of these individuals is important for all. What do you think?
If you or a client would like to sell your Privately held real estate note, Structured settlement, or Annuity, or need Mortgage Financing for both high or low credit scores, call C.J.F. & Associates at 1-800-908-9312 or go to our website at for more information.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Truck Liability Insurance: A Truck Insurance Coverage Primer
Patrick Winchester
Commercial truck insurance comes in a variety of different forms. This is due to the fact that the commercial truck industry is highly diversified. Some motor carriers and independent haulers carry a variety of goods while others carry only specific cargo. Some carry no goods at all and work solely as commercial service vehicles, as is the case with many construction trucks. Sometimes the 'goods' carried are another automobile, as is the case with tow trucks or car carriers. This high degree of specialization in the truck industry has forced the commercial truck insurance industry to become equally encompassing. Many different coverage options are now available to cover the many facets of the industry. The type of insurance coverage needed will depend on factors such as state and local regulations, the nature of the cargo and commercial truck, and the individual needs of the motor carrier or independent driver in terms of coverage amount.
Primary Truck Liability Insurance
First and foremost, all truck drivers must be covered by a primary liability policy. This covers the cost of damages and bodily injury sustained to others in an accident a truck driver may be involved in. This is the most basic type of commercial truck insurance and is required by law for all commercial truck drivers to have.
Additional Truck Insurance Coverage
Primary liability coverage does not, however, cover damage to your personal property. Independent haulers need to be aware of this as their trucks will be at risk when on the road and their contracted employers may not cover the cost of repairs. A separate physical damage policy can be purchased to cover such costs. Oftentimes, physical damage clauses will be presented in the form of comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage is typically more expensive than simple truck insurance required by law in order to operate your vehicle, but the trade off is that your own assets are protected, regardless of fault, and comprehensive coverage makes provisions against disaster, fire or theft in addition to the physical damage insurance clauses.
Bobtail Insurance
Back to independent truckers, Bobtail insurance is also an important type of coverage for independents. It serves as a substitute for primary liability coverage when independents are not actively dispatched (and therefore not covered by an employer\'s liability policy). Another type of coverage includes cargo insurance. Cargo insurance may need to be purchased in addition to liability insurance to protect against liability for damage to cargo you do not own. It may also be required by federal or local law if you haul dangerous materials.
If you or a client would like to sell your Privately held real estate note, Structured settlement, or Annuity, or need Mortgage Financing for both high or low credit scores, call C.J.F. & Associates at 1-800-908-9312 or go to our website at for more information.
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About the Author
Patrick Winchester is a writer with truck insurance know-how. Visit this original blog post at: or check out some more truck insurance resources at
Patrick Winchester
Primary Truck Liability Insurance
First and foremost, all truck drivers must be covered by a primary liability policy. This covers the cost of damages and bodily injury sustained to others in an accident a truck driver may be involved in. This is the most basic type of commercial truck insurance and is required by law for all commercial truck drivers to have.
Additional Truck Insurance Coverage
Primary liability coverage does not, however, cover damage to your personal property. Independent haulers need to be aware of this as their trucks will be at risk when on the road and their contracted employers may not cover the cost of repairs. A separate physical damage policy can be purchased to cover such costs. Oftentimes, physical damage clauses will be presented in the form of comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage is typically more expensive than simple truck insurance required by law in order to operate your vehicle, but the trade off is that your own assets are protected, regardless of fault, and comprehensive coverage makes provisions against disaster, fire or theft in addition to the physical damage insurance clauses.
Bobtail Insurance
Back to independent truckers, Bobtail insurance is also an important type of coverage for independents. It serves as a substitute for primary liability coverage when independents are not actively dispatched (and therefore not covered by an employer\'s liability policy). Another type of coverage includes cargo insurance. Cargo insurance may need to be purchased in addition to liability insurance to protect against liability for damage to cargo you do not own. It may also be required by federal or local law if you haul dangerous materials.
If you or a client would like to sell your Privately held real estate note, Structured settlement, or Annuity, or need Mortgage Financing for both high or low credit scores, call C.J.F. & Associates at 1-800-908-9312 or go to our website at for more information.
Article Source:
About the Author
Patrick Winchester is a writer with truck insurance know-how. Visit this original blog post at: or check out some more truck insurance resources at
Writing Articles Can Boost Your Online Business
Top 10 Strategies Demonstrate How
Writing Articles Can Boost Your Online Business
Kanaga Siva
Website Owners and Webmasters have all realized the importance of writing articles and how these articles can boost their online business. Good quality articles are in great demand. Serious and dedicated entrepreneurs and Newbies scour the Internet searching for articles to gather information, to help improve their knowledge and also publish them in their websites, ezines and article directories.
Just writing articles and publishing them in your website or blog is not going to boost your income. The secret of success lies in not only writing articles of quality but also in the various strategies you adopt in promoting your articles. You should always ensure that your Resource box at the end of the article has a live link to your website.
1. Write quality articles and submit them to high PR websites that accept articles for publication and are in the same theme as your online business.
2. Submit your articles to article directories and ezines of repute for publication. Authoritative articles that display your expertise will be grabbed by webmasters and published in their websites.
3. Have your own article directory in your website and regularly update your directory with your articles. You will soon have a regular stream of visitors.
4. Engage a reliable and popular paid article distributor who will distribute your articles to hundreds of article directories and websites.
5. Writing articles can be profitable too. Compile your articles into an e-book and start an affiliate program for the publication. Allow other people to sell your e-book for a percentage of the profits. You will soon have hundreds of people promoting your product thus boosting your online business.
6. Group all your articles category wise such as homes based business, Internet marketing, affiliate marketing and small business, publish them as e-books along with your ads. and distribute them free to your customers and visitors.
7. Compile an e-book of some of your articles and sell the Reprint Rights to the publication for 100% of the profits. The strategy here is to include ads for other products that you're selling which means sales for these products too thus boosting your online income.
8. Allow other publishers of e-books to include some of your articles in their e-books as long as they agree to have your resource box with a live link is included in them.
9. Today Social Bookmarking sites have become very popular attracting enormous traffic. Reap the benefits of this traffic by submitting your articles to the popular Social Bookmarking sites such as, Furl, Blinklist Stumpleupon and Simpy on a regular basis.
10. Sign up with Twitter and Facebook, two powerful and popular Social Networking sites on the Internet today. Submit your articles or links to these powerful Social Networking sites on a regular basis if done correctly the traffic generated can be phenomenal...
Writing articles is one of the most successful strategies adopted by webmasters for driving traffic to their websites. Implementing the above methods will ensure a continuous stream of targeted visitors from a broad cross section of the Internet thus boosting your online business.
If you or a client would like to sell your Privately held real estate note, Structured settlement, or Annuity, or need Mortgage Financing for both high or low credit scores, call C.J.F. & Associates at 1-800-908-9312 or go to our website at for more information.
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About the Author
Copyright Kanaga Siva. To learn more about Writing Articles, Internet Home Based Business and for tips and advice on Affiliate Marketing you are welcome to visit Expert Author and Marketer Kanaga Siva\'s Website and Blog.
Skills You Must Possess to Be a Successful Web Developer
Michelle Custodio
There are thousands of individual contractors and thousands of businesses offering website development. In addition, with the ever-expanding Internet, there are always jobs to be had, making the field of web development a seller's market. With this in mind, one must consider how to place themselves above the masses and ahead of the curve. It is not enough to simply understand the basics of web development anymore. Now one must find ways to be better than any other to keep consistently working.
The number one quality of any successful web development contractor or business is an unwavering work ethic. Those who work the hardest attract the most work. The Internet is a place of instant gratification and even faster paced wants and needs. Those web development providers who do not keep a consistent work schedule, or go above and beyond requirements whenever possible, are doomed to be left behind by those contractors who do so.
A consistent desire to gain new knowledge is a must for being successful. The programming languages, tools, and applications consistently change in web development. To stay up to date one needs to thirst for the latest concepts, language tools and tricks, and general knowledge regarding how to be the best web development provider around. Using online forums and communities to exchange ideas and concepts, and follow specific news involving web development, is a great way for anyone to become the top web developer.
Finally, an often-overlooked skill in the web development community is communication skills. There is a general stereotype of programmers being rather harsh individuals and poor communicators due to their consistent isolation due to the requirements of their work. To break from the mold of average web developers, it behooves anyone to work on their communicative skills. When bidding for contracts or working on a project, be clear, concise, and pleasant. Employers like a worker who is available, interested in conversation, and clear about confusions or ideas to help the site.
With possession of these often overlooked general skills, one can propel themselves from average or good developer to one of the better or best web development providers. It is important to remember that these skills do not take the place of creating quality development; however, each skill supplements a strong foundation of programming skills and enhances every quality already possessed. Applying each skill raises the chance of success for any website developer.
If you or a client would like to sell your Privately held real estate note, Structured settlement, or Annuity, or need Mortgage Financing for both high or low credit scores, call C.J.F. & Associates at 1-800-908-9312 or go to our website at for more information.
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About the Author
Michelle Custodio
There are thousands of individual contractors and thousands of businesses offering website development. In addition, with the ever-expanding Internet, there are always jobs to be had, making the field of web development a seller's market. With this in mind, one must consider how to place themselves above the masses and ahead of the curve. It is not enough to simply understand the basics of web development anymore. Now one must find ways to be better than any other to keep consistently working.
The number one quality of any successful web development contractor or business is an unwavering work ethic. Those who work the hardest attract the most work. The Internet is a place of instant gratification and even faster paced wants and needs. Those web development providers who do not keep a consistent work schedule, or go above and beyond requirements whenever possible, are doomed to be left behind by those contractors who do so.
A consistent desire to gain new knowledge is a must for being successful. The programming languages, tools, and applications consistently change in web development. To stay up to date one needs to thirst for the latest concepts, language tools and tricks, and general knowledge regarding how to be the best web development provider around. Using online forums and communities to exchange ideas and concepts, and follow specific news involving web development, is a great way for anyone to become the top web developer.
Finally, an often-overlooked skill in the web development community is communication skills. There is a general stereotype of programmers being rather harsh individuals and poor communicators due to their consistent isolation due to the requirements of their work. To break from the mold of average web developers, it behooves anyone to work on their communicative skills. When bidding for contracts or working on a project, be clear, concise, and pleasant. Employers like a worker who is available, interested in conversation, and clear about confusions or ideas to help the site.
With possession of these often overlooked general skills, one can propel themselves from average or good developer to one of the better or best web development providers. It is important to remember that these skills do not take the place of creating quality development; however, each skill supplements a strong foundation of programming skills and enhances every quality already possessed. Applying each skill raises the chance of success for any website developer.
If you or a client would like to sell your Privately held real estate note, Structured settlement, or Annuity, or need Mortgage Financing for both high or low credit scores, call C.J.F. & Associates at 1-800-908-9312 or go to our website at for more information.
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